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Room Editor Handbook

Camera Movement

MovingHold Right Mouse Button + WASDUsed to control the camera position
Fast movingHold Right Mouse Button + WASD + ShiftMove at double the current speed
Slow movingHold Right Mouse Button + WASD + CtrlMove at half the current speed
Raise cameraHold Right Mouse Button + ECtrl and Shift to control speed
Lower cameraHold Right Mouse Button + QCtrl and Shift to control speed
Change camera speedHold Right Mouse Button + ScrollChange the saved camera speed setting
Focus on an itemFMoves the camera to the selected prop

Working with props

Select multipleShift + Left Mouse ButtonClick on props to select
Rect selectLeft mouse button click and dragSelects all props under the rectangle
Rect select parentsLeft mouse button click and drag + AltIf a child and it's parent are in the rect selection it selects only the parent
UndoCtrl + ZRevert your last action or group of actions
RedoCtrl + Shift + ZRevert your last undo
Copy+PasteCtrl + D or Ctrl + CDuplicate the selected prop(s) on the same position
Prop snap movementCtrl + moving the propThe Prop will move 0,25 units and snap into place
Layer selectionRight click on propSelect a prop behind or in another prop from the selection menu
HideHHides selected props
Focus HideShift + HHide all props except the ones selected
UnhideCtrl + HUnhide all the hidden props


Test play at positionCtrl + Click Test Play ButtonStarts the playtesting of the level with your character at the position of the camera
SearchCtrl + SpaceOpens the search UI for searching through prop instances in the room