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Room Editor

  • Added Light prop, now you can add custom lightning and it comes with better performance!

  • Added post-processing prop, change the ambient of your rooms.

  • Added zoomable behavior, no more zooming to locks

  • Added scripting custom rooms using Lua

  • More flexible than current setup, but you Lua programming knowledge is required.

  • Added Custom Drag behavior specifically for scripting. It gives you more control over object interactions.

  • Added loading custom models as props, you can create musical instruments using primitive objects or import one from .gltf file!

  • UX tweak: Changed from behavior buttons to a dropdown (Button, Animation, Turnable,...)

  • Menu UI scale fix for smaller screens

  • Added Discord Rich Presence, show others what awesome rooms you are playing

  • scripting props need to be enabled in the room config - only to view them in the menu, doesn't affect loading or saving

  • exposed the Vector3 and Quaternion class for static methods

  • now it's possible to lua functions to chat so players can trigger them

  • access to player IDs + teleport specific players

  • importing a lua object should now copy the lua file as well

  • collider dropdown added - None/Box/ConvexMesh/ConcaveMesh

  • shiny material issue fixed

  • cross platform loading of custom models fixed

  • new event: LuaCallType.ChatCommand when players write "/something"

  • Vector/Quaternion exposed

  • new functions for players: getAllPlayers, getLocalPlayer, getClosestPlayer, getMainPlayer

  • new function for teleporting: teleportPlayer